
07.07.2014 – Prisoner 270914

Prisoner 270914 has escaped, and we need YOU to track him down. Eight weeks ago, Tyren Lament and others freed the sorcerer Argeddion from his prison. As you are undoubtedly aware, Argeddion was stopped shortly afterwards, thanks to the sterling efforts of Detectives Pleasant and Cain. What you will not… Read More

AOH trailer

Ladies and gentlemen, we proudly bring you the trailer for Armageddon Outta Here. Behold the awesome…   Read more in Derek’s latest blog post… Read More

The Requiem Ball

  Minions, Derek is delighted to announce that a special, exclusive gathering will take place in London on publication day, August 28th. Read his blog to find out more about…… Read More

Die Horribly Winner!

As many of you lovely minions might remember, late last year we ran a competition for one of you to DIE HORRIBLY in the final Skulduggery Pleasant novel. Thousands of you entered. Some of you entered more than once. It could be said that some of you entered many times. As ever, we weren't surprised at all by how brilliant all your entries were. Thank you to everyone who took part... Read More

More from Armageddon Outta Here…

Another stunning cover from Artist Extraordinaire Tom Percival. The cover for Armageddon Outta Here is "a wraparound masterpiece..." - Derek Landy (we do so love to quote our own Golden God). Read More

Skulduggery Pleasant Book 9

The War of the Sanctuaries has been won, but it was not without its casualties. Following the loss of Valkyrie Cain, Skulduggery Pleasant must use any and all means to track down and stop Darquesse before she turns the world into a charred, lifeless cinder. Read More

Derek wins Irish book of the year!

Well minions, you know Derek is awesome, we know he’s awesome, the World knows he’s awesome and now it’s officially proven. He has just won Children’s Book of the Year at the Irish Book Awards in Dublin for the THIRD TIME! That’s right, official proof that Last Stand of Dead… Read More